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Shillong Polytechnic Library

Shillong Polytechnic Library


Shillong Polytechnic library was incepted the time the Institution was established i.e., the year 1965 as Library being the heart of any institution. The library housed more than thirty thousand 30,000 books and subscribed to eighteen (18) national journals pertaining to the course of study i.e., Engineering and also few general magazines and two local newspapers. The Library also comprises books such as Reference books, Engineering Handbooks, Encyclopedias, Novels, Servicing Manuals and Layout of different Electronics items, CD ROMs on National Geographic etc. besides books related to engineering branches i.e., civil engineering, Electrical engineering, Electronics engineering, Mechanical engineering and Computer science engineering. The institute library uses KOHA as its integrated library management system software and thus the library is at present fully automated where every library activities are run through using of computers like cataloguing, circulation, book search, etc. The users can also search Library collections through Web OPAC. The Institute is also registered at NDL giving students the opportunity to browse the resources available at the site. The library is under CCTV surveillance to ensure security of books in the library.

Other services that the library provides are- it gives out old question papers, photocopying, printing, reference service, etc.

The Library also comprises books such as Reference books, Engineering Handbooks, Encyclopedias, Novels, Servicing Manuals and Layout of different Electronics items, CD ROMs on National Geographic etc.

Students come to the library for reading, writing assignments, searching information online, issuing books and others such as for taking old question papers, printing and photocopying. The library staff ensures to take all necessary steps and measures to help the students access the library resources available in our library. Besides, we also guide them to use the free but authenticated e-resources online.

Library Timings:
10:00 a.m. -4:00 a.m. (Mon-Fri)
Students can issue books as per the following schedule:

  • Mon- civil engineering
  • Tue- Electrical engineering
  • Wed: Electronics Engineering
  • Thu: Mechanical Engineering
  • Fri: Computer Science Engineering

Library membership:
All students studying in the institute & Teaching and non-teaching staff can become member by registering in the library.

Loss/Damaged of Books:
If any user lost a book or damaged the book, he /she have to make a replacement of the same.

Library clearance:
All the library members will have to obtain a Clearance /No dues Certificate before taking final release from the institution.

Online Information Resources
Besides information available physically in the Library, Students can also access the free e- books, e- journals, and other e- resources online. Some of which include:

  1. 1.INTECH Open Access Books
  2. 2.World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
  3. 3.NPTEL Web & Video Courses
  4. 4.NDLI: Study at home (iitkgp.ac.in)
  5. 5.Open Access Library
  6. 6.DLIST: UA Campus Repository
  7. 7.Directory of Open Access Journals

Sl No. Name Designation
0Ms. W. SHANGPLIANGLibrarian