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Shillong Polytechnic Workshops


The Workshop is the backbone of Technical Education. It imparts Practical Training to the students of different branches of Engineering. In our esteemed Polytechnic, The Workshop plays a paramount role in moulding, shaping and preparing the students to face the future challenges in the field of technology. The Course structure of Polytechnic is designed in the format of 50% Practical and 50% Theory classes to cater to the requirements in the supervisory level employing skilled manpower in the technical workforce of the country.

Roles of Workshop

The role of the Workshop is not confined only in imparting practical training to the students but its duty is also to look after the other practical needs of the Institution such as Mechanical or Electrical repairs and these repairing and maintenance works depend upon the practical facilities available in Polytechnic. Hence the Worhshop Instructors willingly contribute in these areas as and when required, in the interest of the Institute, in addition to their normal duties. There are Electrical and Mechanical Foremen in position in our Institute. The Foreman is said to be the backbone of any industry. The Workshop as a whole is under the direct control of the Workshop Superintendent.

Workshop Facilities

Our Workshop engaged in imparting practical training, consists of different trade under different Shops such as:

  1. Carpentry Shop
  2. Fitting Shop
  3. Black Smithy Shop
  4. Pattern Making Shop
  5. Turning Shop
  6. Machine Shop
  7. Electric Shop
  8. Plumbing Shop
  9. Painting Shop
  10. R.C.C. & Masonry Shop
  11. Welding shop

As we are aware, the lack of creativity, imagination and self confidence hinders growth in hands-on skills and industrialization will thus remain only a dream. Herein lies the importance of the Workshop which moulds a student in many possible ways so that he or she faces the challenges and changes of a new era confidently

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